Where Does Michael's Family Go in Gta 5

Michael: "Listen, Amanda. I wanted...I've been meaning to say to y'all...Look, I only..."
Jimmy: "What he's trying to say, Mom, is that he's a pathetic, former, drunken mess and he needs you, and you can do a lot better than a prima donna yoga instructor with an anal fixation."
―Michael apologizes to Amanda, with Jimmy's help.

Reuniting the Family unit is a mission in K Theft Car V that protagonist Michael De Santa performs independently.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Mission Objectives
  • 3 Gold Medal Objectives
  • 4 Aftermath
    • iv.1 StarTalk Newspaper
    • four.2 Weazel News Radio
    • 4.3 Lifeinvader Posts
    • four.iv Bleeter Posts
  • 5 Video Walkthroughs
  • 6 Trivia
  • vii Navigation


Alone in his mansion, Michael falls asleep while watching a film. When he wakes upwardly, Jimmy has appeared. Jimmy get-go apologizes for spiking Michael's drink, then proceeds to blame his begetter for his ain shortcomings earlier ultimately admitting that he misses his dad. He also tells Michael that Amanda is unhappy with her new life with Fabien. Motivated, Michael decides to reunite his estranged family.

Michael and Jimmy bulldoze to the nearby Bean Auto, where they find Amanda and Fabien. Fabien dismisses Michael and insults Amanda and Jimmy. Michael stops himself from hitting Fabien, only for Amanda to become fed upward with Fabien and outright enquire Michael to attack him. Michael grabs the FruitBook laptop of a nearby customer and smashes information technology confronting the yoga instructor'south confront. Amanda is initially angry at Michael, but then admits that she misses him. She asks that they seek counselling. Michael agrees. Amanda tells Michael that she'll run across him at the office of Dr. Isiah Friedlander. She then helps off a groggy Fabien.

Adjacent, Michael and Jimmy go to find Tracey. She is at Blazing Tattoo on Vinewood Boulevard, where she is begging Lazlow Jones to be immune to reappear on Fame or Shame; he says he volition do so if she gives him a blowjob. At this point, Michael and Jimmy appear. Michael, outraged by what he's just heard every bit well as Lazlow's previous behavior in the mission Fame or Shame, attacks Lazlow, forcibly piercing Lazlow'due south olfactory organ, ear and forehead, and so tattooing a penis on Lazlow's chest or dorsum (player's choice). Finally, Michael cuts off Lazlow's trademark ponytail and demands that Lazlow gives Tracey what she wants without having to give him a blowjob. Tracey, impressed by her begetter's devotion, agrees to get with him and Jimmy.

Michael and his children drive to Dr. Friedlander's clinic in Pacific Bluffs, where Amanda is waiting. In the ensuing therapy session, Michael and Amanda go progressively more than angry with each other while Jimmy and Tracey studiously ignore their parents' yelling. While little seems to exist resolved in the session, once back outside Friedlander's function, Amanda agrees to return dwelling house and give their relationship another shot. Michael drives his family unit home, and the mission ends with Amanda threatening to move into the Rockford Hills Hotel if they find hookers or Trevor waiting for them.

After the mission ends, the histrion is automatically switched to Trevor, who has passed out drunk in his underpants on a piddling island east of Palomino Highlands with several bodies of Lost MC members seen lying effectually the expanse.

Mission Objectives

  • Become to Bean Machine.
  • Go to the tattoo parlor.
  • Get to Dr. Friedlander's office.
  • Get back to Michael's house.

Gold Medal Objectives

  • Time - Consummate within ten:thirty
    • Skip all cutscenes.


  • Amanda will request that Michael stops seeing prostitutes as a condition of their getting back together, regardless of whether Michael has actually washed so. Michael can still engage in such activities, but can no longer use his Tailgater for this purpose. If Michael passes by a prostitute in the street, he will decline her advances and state that he is a "happily married" man. John Marston, the protagonist from Red Expressionless Redemption, some other Rockstar game, will exercise the same matter if he passes near a prostitute in a local saloon.
  • Michael tin now play tennis confronting Amanda again.
  • Michael's switch scenes will at present depict him having a more harmonious relationship with his family, and interactions with Amanda, Jimmy and Tracey will at present be more positive. Too he flaunts around his wealth and influence every bit well as a result of his promotion.
  • If The Wrap Up has also been completed, Franklin tin can call Stretch, who warns him that Lamar's ongoing feud with the Ballas has gotten even worse and that he needs to be controlled. Franklin says that nobody can command Lamar, only Stretch responds that anybody can be controlled only that it's an "irreversible process, if you feel me," which angers Franklin who so tells him that Lamar is going to be fine. Stretch ends the phone call by saying "I promise he is punk, for both your sakes," hinting that he'south getting set to punish both of them every bit he said he would if things escalated with the Ballas. If Franklin is inside his safehouse when switching to him, he volition have to go outside and motility some distance from the mission mark for Stretch to answer the phone.
  • Michael and Franklin can both call Jimmy. Jimmy tells them both that he is glad to be living with his father once again and is noticeably making an effort to be more than mature. When asked by Michael if he's going to the premiere of his movie, he enthusiastically responds "Oh, yes, it'southward like my one hope of ever getting laid ever. I'grand all over it."

StarTalk Newspaper

"Following the ridicule he has received recently, self appointed anodyne metrosexual TV host Lazlow held a press conference yesterday to tell anyone concerned (of which at that place were only two of the states), that his recent torso modifications were 'forced on him'. In a rambling testimony, Lazlow kept talking of dark forces at work and bad men who wanted him dead, and that somehow this was not a midlife crunch. Lazlow'southward agent told us later via cellphone "he is a bang-up guy but he's been nether a lot of stress with the show not doing and then well and he'due south always been something of a fantasist. Best non take him too seriously."

Weazel News Radio

"Lazlow claims he was molested into cutting his hair. Talent evidence host Lazlow spoke yesterday about the events that caused him to change his advent.

Lazlow: "I wouldn't do this to myself! There are nighttime forces out there, okay? Cults, I mean, Vinewood isn't all 'It'southward cracked up to be', seriously! Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go to therapy."

Lifeinvader Posts

  • Amanda De Santa - "We tin practice this. I know now that this family is too irreparably damaged to have any hope of a normal relationship with anyone else. Nosotros're stuck with each other. And that'southward as close to a "I love you" as I've been in very long fourth dimension."
  • Tracey De Santa - "All those guy friends yous've violently assaulted in the past and finally this fourth dimension it might really get me somewhere! Fame or Shame here I come!"
  • Jimmy De Santa - "Physically assaulting annoying celebrities and yoga instructors! When it comes to father-son bonding that's so much more than my speed!"

Bleeter Posts

Bleeter GTAVpc fabienlarouche.png

@fabienlarouche #namaste
I remember my perfect Aquiline French olfactory organ is broken. So much negative free energy. I am finished with older adult female and their impacted colons. #namaste

Bleeter GTAVpc Lazlow.png

What is with these young female fans and their psycho dads? Btw, get ready for the unveiling of my sexy new bad boy await on the next episode of Fame or Shame! Ink and metal in, ponytail out!

Video Walkthroughs


  • The title of this mission is an obvious reference to Reuniting the Families, a mission in One thousand Theft Auto: San Andreas, despite the fact that the 2 missions exercise not bear much similarity.
  • During the cutscene in Dr. Friedlander's office, the Dignity yacht tin be seen in the background, however, later the cutscene, the boat will disappear.
  • On the drive abode, Jimmy and Tracey hint that Amanda's sexual history includes Fabien LaRouche, Kyle Chavis, "the juice guy", "the domestic dog walker", Jimmy'south third-grade teacher, "the trash guy", Michael's proctologist, Jesse, Andy Moon and maybe even Dr. Friedlander.
  • At the offset of the mission cutscene when Michael turns on the TV, the film he is watching is clearly fabricated inside 50.A. Noire, as demonstrated by the vehicle and Cole Phelps walking downward the stairs. L.A. Noire is a 2011 game made by Rockstar Games.
  • Michael tells Jimmy that he will "probably be dead in a few weeks". This foreshadows the choice B ending of the game.
  • Each fellow member of the De Santa Family unit will bleed out if shot even once past any weapon during this mission.
  • Despite the mission ending with Tracey existence immune to compete on Fame or Shame, there is no further storyline gameplay involving this story thread; the eventual outcome of her participation (she is defeated in the audience vote by a trio of masturbating monkeys) is but learned via Weazel News reports and if the player watches the Fame or Shame broadcast on TV (during which Tracey sings a song about her father and Lazlow references his encounter with Michael).
  • If any NPCs are killed, the family will react and scold Michael.
  • Before Michael starts piercing Lazlow's trunk parts, Lazlow volition scream "yous're not going to give me a Prince Albert, are you lot?". Prince Albert is a common male genital piercing.
    • When piercing Lazlow, he will react in the following ways. For piercing his brow, Lazlow will say, "Owww! Are you poppin' a fuckin' tent over here? You fuckin' psycho." For piercing his olfactory organ, he volition be all, "Ahh, you made me a pouty fuckin' hipster? Ah, oohh." For piercing his ear, Lazlow will say, "Ah! You fuckin' prick. Jesus."



Source: https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Reuniting_the_Family

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